Write a medicine personal statement worthy of getting into medical school with our step-by-step how to course.
Learn how to write a personal statement for medicine or dentistry that not only gets you invited to interview, but guides the interview panel to make your interview questions plane sailing.
You'll learn:
- The purpose of the personal statement
- How to gather the right information
- What to include & what to leave out
- Best ways to describe your work experience (and what to do if you don't have much)
- Buzzwords that selectors like
- The best way to structure your statement
- Catchy opening lines
- How to avoid cliches
- Write in a style that shows maturity and creates intrigue
- Examples of good & bad personal statements (and how to transform them)
- Who you should ask to review your statement
- Get an outstanding teacher reference
- BIG MISTAKES to avoid
Course Overview
The Master Your Personal Statement course covers all aspects of the personal statement, including how to structure the personal statement, what work experience and extracurricular activities to include, how to make your personal statement stand out and much more. We also have detailed videos dedicated to opening lines, references, and how to review your personal statement.
Have a look at some of the free content here, and if our teaching method appeals to you, sign up for our course!
What's Included In The Course?
The course beings with an overview that explains the role that the personal statement plays in your application. Then, we move on to tell you about the personal statement itself, and the requirements that it needs to meet.
This course will teach you how to write a personal statement that is not just well-written and succinct, but also unique. After completing this course, you will be able to illustrate why you want to be a doctor, what you've done to explore the career and the personal traits that you and doctors share.
Writing Style
The biggest mistake that students make when submitting a personal statement for me to review is that of writing style. Students can have great experience, yet a poorly written statement with an unappealing style will simply end up in the bin. We teach you how to get to the point a cut out the fluff.
This is probably one of the most valuable lessons you will learn in life. Not only will it open your eyes to just how weak your current style of writing is, but will teach you a skill that you can take forward through the rest of your academic career. Writing is known as one of life's 'force multipliers', those skills that diffuse into all other areas of your life to help you succeed.
General Structure
We begin by looking at what the personal statement is trying to achieve, as well as the three things we need to get across to the reader. The first step in drafting a personal statement is gathering information. This phase is mostly concerned with capturing everything you've done to apply to medicine, and more importantly the lessons selectors want to see that you have learned from these experiences. This step is crucial.
We then go through how to improve your English, so that you can portray yourself to the universities to which you're applying in the best possible light.
Example Personal Statements
We provide you with a detailed personal statement work-through, that will not only give you an idea of the common mistakes that people make on their personal statement and how to avoid them, but it will also show you the layout of the personal statement and what it should contain.
We also include two lessons on references, and how to make sure that they are the best they can be. References are an extremely important part of your personal statement, as they give the university an idea of who you are in a classroom.
Work Experience And Extracurricular Activities
Work experience and extracurricular activities are a crucial part of your personal statement because they can help your application stand out and show how interesting you are as an individual! On the course we take you through work experience and extracurricular activities in-depth, to make sure that you included everything you should have.
What To Do After You Submitted Your Personal Statement
This stage of the application is not talked about often and can leave candidates confused about what to do next. Thankfully, Dr Hilton goes over what you can do after you submitted your personal statement, and how to prepare for what's coming next!
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